Available Items

2019-20 RailKing One Gauge G Scale Catalog Released Online
June 24, 2019 - M.T.H. Electric Trains has published its 2019-2020 RailKing One Gauge G Scale catalog to the M.T.H. website.
The catalog can be viewed online by clicking the following link:
2019 RailKing One Gauge Catalog
The catalog is presented on the M.T.H. website in an interactive flip page format. This new format allows you to page through the catalog as if you were turning the pages of the printed version. We've created hot links for all the items allowing you to quickly open up each item's detail page on the M.T.H. website where you'll discover more about each item, including item features, historical copy, sizes and minimum curve operation.
The flip page format also allows viewers to search through the catalog using key words, zoom in on items, print individual pages and email favorite pages to your friends and family. Tools for doing these tasks are all located in the toolbar on the left side of the flip page catalog.
You may also find a video icon on some of the flip book pages. Click on these icons to open up a video of the item featured on that page. It's a great way to see the products in action.
Items featured in the catalog can also be ordered through any M.T.H. Authorized Retailer.
RailKing One Gauge mailing list subscribers will receive a printed copy of the catalog in early July.