20-80003A O Scale Premier 4-8-4 Gs-4 Steam Engine with Proto-Sound 2.0 For availability see 'Find it locally' tab $1,095.95Product InformationDescription4-8-4 Gs-4 Steam Engine with Proto-Sound 2.0 - BNSF Roadname: BNSFProduct Item Number: 20-80003ACatalog: ZZ Uncataloged ItemsProduct Line: PremierScale: O ScaleDelivery Status: Delivered AUG 2001This product is compatible with all O Gauge 3-Rail track systems including those systems offered by Atlas and Gargraves and Lionel and Ross Custom Switches. Overview Features Find It LocallyDealers The following dealers meet your selection criteria. Click the Show button next to a dealer to get more detailed contact information for the dealer (and to see what items are in stock, if you requested any). Name City State Zip WESTERN DEPOT YUBA CITY CA 95993 THE TRAIN LOFT WINSTON-SALEM NC 27104 SupportSupport Content: